Ke4 with Sucralose
Ke4 with Sucralose
Ke4 with Sucralose
Ke4 with Sucralose
Ke4 with Sucralose


Ke4 with Sucralose

Sale price$74.95
Ke4 with Sucralose:

Ke4 with Sucralose


This is a new, limited release version of our Ke4, with Sucralose. Sucralose is a much more powerful artificial sweetener which can overcome the ester flavor. This will NOT replace our main Stevia based Ke4. It is not labeled for individual resale.

This does taste better with 50% less burn. Also dilutes well.

This is sold in 50ml bottles with 25g of Ketone Ester in them. The cost per gram of ketone ester is the same as our main Ke4. Same price, but tastes much better.

Currently only sold in the following forms

1) 12 Pack (USA ONLY)

2) 36 Pack

3) Team Bulk 7x36 packs

What is Sucralose and why wouldn't we only use Sucralose? Sucralose, also sold under the name Splenda, is considered an "artificial sweetener", unlike Stevia and Monk Fruit which are "natural sweeteners" but they aren't as strong at covering up the bad after taste. Some people really dislike all artificial sweeteners. A google search will show many negative articles, and many that say it is just fine. The choice is yours.