MCT Oil vs Ketone Ester. Dr. Veech explains why C8 doesn't work well as an exogenous ketone.

MCT Oil vs Ketone Ester. Dr. Veech explains why C8 doesn't work well as an exogenous ketone.

Chasing Ketones. A Movie or a Misguided Movement? Reading MCT Oil vs Ketone Ester. Dr. Veech explains why C8 doesn't work well as an exogenous ketone. 1 minute Next Warning: HVMN Fake Ketones. Don't fall for the marketing hype.
It is easy enough to do the math and come to the conclusion that C8 MCT oil will raise your blood ketones for less on a cost per 1mm rise versus ketones, but there is so much more that is going on behind the scenes.
Here is a video interview of the late Dr. Richard Veech* explaining why C8 won't end up working in the long term in the same way as ketone ester (and we aren't even discussing the GI issues with C8)
Frank LLosa
* Dr. Veech was Frank's wife's Godfather and his inspiration to get into ketones.

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